CNN Central News & Network–ITDC India Epress/ITDC News Bhopal: There is good news for railway employees. Soon, they will receive smartphones along with CUG mobile numbers. This new scheme has been designed by the Railway Board to empower its employees technically and enhance their efficiency. After the current CUG contract expires, all employees will be given smartphones for free.

Everyone will get CUG numbers and smartphones

The Director of Telecom of the Railway Board has informed in a letter that under the new contract, every employee will be given a smartphone with a CUG number. Until now, this facility was limited to employees associated with frontline and critical departments. Once the new system is implemented, around 60,000 employees and officers of the Northeast Railway will benefit from it. This will also eliminate the hassle of changing SIM cards due to transfers or other reasons, as the smartphone will be directly handed to the employee.

CUG numbers will always remain active

The Railway Board has also clarified that the CUG numbers cannot be deactivated and every incoming call must be attended. This will ensure that employees remain in constant contact with the railway and can be easily reached in emergencies.

The new system will boost employees’ morale

This new initiative will boost employees’ morale, making them feel more dedicated to their work. It will not only increase their efficiency but also provide them with a new identity. Railway employees will feel proud of this decision and become more capable in their workplace.

Increased efficiency with free smartphones

Receiving free smartphones will also enhance the employees’ efficiency. This new initiative will not only empower employees technically but also make them feel connected and responsible towards the railway.

This new system is a matter of pride and excitement for railway employees, and they are eagerly awaiting its implementation. All employees are welcoming this decision with open hearts and are hopeful for its positive impacts.