CNN India Central News Network/ITDC India ePress Delhi: If we forget the exit poll results for a few minutes, we will know that the intelligent citizens of India have brightened the history of democracy. Because the citizens have created a new history by using their right to vote very wisely. Although this election could not give a clear majority to any party, but no one has any objection to the possibility and expectation of a successful government in the form of a coalition. INDIA Alliance also converted its efforts into results and brought almost two hundred seats to the Lok Sabha. The history of coalition government is mixed, but we all are moving forward with expectations beyond today’s BJP-led coalition. Now the government will have to gain new experience in building brotherhood and cordial relations with the allied parties. This government faces many challenges, in which poverty and unemployment are at the forefront.

Addressing these issues properly is an important responsibility from which the BJP-led government will not be able to avoid it now. The Lok Sabha results are saying this. Economic policies will have to be improved. At the same time, analysts say that coalition government is not necessarily bad for the stock market, but the government should make a clear action plan for its tenure. Analysts say that even though a change in government or the formation of a weak coalition will have a sharp impact on market sentiment, it is important to remember that many good things are happening in India which are independent of the government.

Analysts say that these good things include a good number of youth, a large section of educated people, India’s huge domestic market, the overall effect of previous reforms as well as changes taking place at the global level such as changes in the supply chain and rapid growth of digitalization.

This does not mean that the change in government policies will not have any effect, but it is certain that we should not be too disappointed or excited in long-term assessment. Analysts say that even in a weak coalition led by the BJP, the pace of reforms is likely to remain almost the same, but some tough decisions like disinvestment (selling government assets), land acquisition law and uniform civil code may be delayed or postponed.

The first congratulations for the possibility of a new government go to the Modi-led NDA coalition.