CNN Central News & Network–ITDC India Epress/ITDC News Bhopal: Dispelling misconceptions surrounding varicose veins, experts at Sri Ramakrishna Hospital delve into the condition’s nuances, offering insights into symptoms, symptom management, and prevention strategies.

Varicose veins, predominantly affecting the lower limbs, stem from weakened or damaged veins, disrupting blood flow to the heart. Contrary to common belief, they extend beyond cosmetic concerns, potentially leading to discomfort and health complications.

Identifying Symptoms:

Visible, enlarged veins in the legs

Leg throbbing or cramping

Leg pain or achiness

Sensation of leg heaviness

Leg swelling

Skin color changes around affected veins

Effective Management Tips:

Engage in regular circulation – promoting exercises like walking or swimming.

Elevate legs above heart level during rest to alleviate swelling and enhance circulation.

Utilize compression stockings to enhance blood flow and alleviate symptoms.

Maintain a balanced, nutrient-rich diet to support vascular health.

Avoid prolonged periods of sitting or standing to prevent blood pooling in the legs.