CNN Central News & Network–ITDC India Epress/ITDC News Bhopal: Under the leadership of Prof. Ajay Singh, the Executive Director of AIIMS Bhopal, Dr. Anshul Rai, Additional Professor of the Department of Dentistry, has been granted copyright by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry’s Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion for his research-based “Gum Massaging Brush” made from neem wood and bottle gourd sponge.

Gum disease, a common oral ailment worldwide, includes symptoms like bleeding gums, swelling, bad breath, tooth mobility, and pain. The main cause of this is often inadequate oral hygiene, and most toothbrushes available worldwide are designed for dental care only.

This is the world’s first brush specifically designed for gum health. The primary reasons for the increase in gum diseases are excessive consumption of sweets and junk food, improper brushing, or frequent snacking, leading to reduced blood supply, swelling, and bleeding of the gums.

The Gum Massaging Brush is made using neem wood and bottle gourd sponge, which are readily available and cost-effective. Plastic is completely avoided, unlike conventional brushes. Research is underway with larger sample sizes, and it will soon be launched in the market. Prof. Ajay Singh, the Executive Director of AIIMS Bhopal, congratulated Dr. Anshul Rai for his success in developing this innovative technology.