CNN Central News & Network–ITDC India Epress/ITDC News Bhopal: “An eye donation awareness program was organized by the Eye Bank of the Ophthalmology Department under the leadership of Executive Director and CEO of AIIMS Bhopal, Ajay Singh, at Shri Hari Old Age Home, Vidisha. The purpose of this program was to raise awareness among the elderly residents and staff of the old age home about the importance and process of eye donation. During the program, the Eye Bank team provided detailed information on various aspects of eye donation, including who can donate eyes, the appropriate time for eye donation, and how this process can bring light into the lives of others. The session also addressed the doubts and concerns of the elderly and staff to ensure they fully understood the process.

The awareness campaign received an overwhelmingly positive response, with many residents of the old age home expressing their gratitude for this effort. The program not only informed the elderly about the importance of eye donation but also inspired them to take this noble step of bringing light to someone else’s life. At the end of the program, all elderly participants filled out a pledge form to donate their eyes.

Executive Director of AIIMS Bhopal, Ajay Singh, praised the initiative, stating, ‘Eye donation is a selfless act that can provide vision to those in need. At AIIMS Bhopal, our efforts through the Eye Bank are focused on inspiring and educating people about this noble cause. The response from the residents of Shri Hari Old Age Home is a testament to their desire to help others. We are committed to continuing our efforts to raise awareness and increase the number of eye donations in the region.'”