CNN Central News & Network–ITDC India Epress/ITDC News Bhopal: The organs of 61-year-old Baliram, who passed away at Jabalpur Medical College, were airlifted to Bhopal and Indore to facilitate immediate transplantation. Upon learning about the situation, Honorable Chief Minister Mohan Yadav directed the use of air transport to expedite the process. Honorable Deputy Chief Minister Rajendra Shukla coordinated with officials and doctors throughout the procedure. Director Shukla instructed the Health Commissioner to ensure that all organs were delivered to the respective hospitals within the stipulated time for successful transplantation.

Baliram, a resident of Sagar, was undergoing treatment at Jabalpur Medical College. After he suffered a brain hemorrhage, his family expressed the desire to donate his organs. Upon receiving this information, the Chief Medical and Health Officer’s office in Bhopal contacted hospitals for heart and liver transplants. It was identified that a patient at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) required a heart transplant, while another patient in Indore required a liver transplant.

Dr. Prabhakar Tiwari, Chief Medical and Health Officer of Bhopal, informed senior officials about the urgent need. By late evening, the heart transplant procedure at AIIMS was underway. This marks the first time a heart transplant has been performed in a government hospital in Madhya Pradesh. The deceased’s liver has already been transported to Indore, where it will soon be transplanted into a patient.

#HeartTransplant #HealthcareMilestone #GovernmentHospital #MedicalBreakthrough #IndiaHealth