CNN Central News & Network–ITDC India Epress/ITDC News Bhopal: As modern interior design evolves, the concept of the television as the primary accessory and focal point in living space is also gradually changing. One reason for this shift is that more families are now switching to devices like Ultra-Short Throw (UST) projectors for an enhanced viewing experience and to overcome the space limitations posed by traditional LCD TVs.  With their capability to project large images from a short distance, UST projectors also eliminate the need for bulky TVs, set-top boxes and connector cables, and enhance the visual appeal of living rooms.

Formovie C3 is a state-of-the-art UST projector that is fast conquering the Indian market and becoming a game-changer for interior designers. This device from the global tech giant Formovie stands out for its advanced features and its unique design is redefining living room layouts.

With an ultra-thin, borderless full screen and a fabric art patch on a pure white matte body, it feels more like an aesthetic piece of home décor than a gadget. Since the Formovie C3 can be positioned just inches away from the projection surface, it is also an ideal choice for small living spaces or areas where space optimisation is crucial. The screen size can be maximised without the need for a significant distance between the projector and the screen. Setting up the projector is also easy with simple processes.