On Independence Day, when the entire nation is immersed in the colors of patriotism, we must remember that freedom is not just a political or social right. It is also a duty—a duty towards nature, towards this Earth on which we all depend. Independence Day reminds us of the sacrifices made by our ancestors, who gave us this freedom. But now, it is our responsibility to truly use this freedom and fulfill our duties, especially in the context of environmental conservation.

Today, as we move towards development and modernity, our environment is facing a severe crisis. Issues like pollution, deforestation, water scarcity, and climate change stand before us as significant challenges. In this situation, as responsible citizens of our society, we must understand that development and environmental conservation are not adversaries but rather complement each other.

On this occasion of Independence Day, the message of Veerji Sahib is extremely important for us. Through the principle of the ‘Egregore Effect,’ he has explained that the collective prayer has an impact on the balance of our environment. This is a profound thought—that our prayers and positive thoughts not only affect our personal lives but also have an impact on the entire environment.

Therefore, we should take a pledge on this Independence Day that we will contribute to environmental conservation not only through our actions but also through our thoughts and prayers. The true meaning of our freedom will be fulfilled only when we can live a free life with a healthy, balanced, and prosperous environment.

Let us all adopt Veerji Sahib’s message in our lives this Independence Day and unite our efforts towards environmental conservation. This is our moral and social duty, and it will be the true respect for the sacrifices of our ancestors.

Jai Hind!
Green Donor Team, India