CNN Central News & Network–ITDC India Epress/ITDC News Bhopal: “Health Camp Organized at Bhoj Open University” A health camp was organized at Bhoj Open University, Madhya Pradesh. On this occasion, the health check-ups of all officials, teachers, and staff of the Bhoj family were conducted. Dr. A.K. Chaudhary, Health Specialist from L.N. Medical College and J.K. Hospital, Bhopal, was the chief guest. Dr. Chaudhary, along with his team, which included six doctors and two technicians, was present at the university. The team included Dr. Kriti Sharma (Medicine), Dr. Salman Ullah Khan (Cardiac), Dr. Sangeeta Senior (Dietician), Dr. Sakshi Tiwari (Junior Dietician), Dr. Poorva Gupta (Medicine), Dr. Pooja Ambhore (Lab Technician), and Mr. Ajay Maure (Technician). Dr. Shyam Dev Yadav, General Manager of L.N. Medical College, was also present on this special occasion.

The program was presided over by Prof. Dr. Sanjay Tiwari, Vice-Chancellor of Bhoj Open University. The event was organized by Dr. Anita Kaushal, Deputy Director of the University’s Internal Quality Assurance Center and Nodal Officer for the health camp. Approximately 150 members of the university family participated in the health camp, where most tests conducted were for blood pressure, sugar, and other essential blood tests.

Dr. Chaudhary emphasized the importance of maintaining cleanliness, especially during the rainy season, to prevent the growth of mosquitoes and other pests. He advised disposing of stagnant water from containers like buckets and tanks to ensure a clean environment. He also highlighted the importance of primary care and mentioned that if a fever persists beyond seven days, it may indicate a serious condition like pneumonia and requires special treatment. He pointed out that insomnia is a significant problem affecting blood pressure, sugar levels, and mental stress, emphasizing the need for timely meals and self-care.

Dr. Kriti Sharma suggested that people should be aware of symptoms like frequent bathroom visits or chest pain, which could indicate underlying health issues like diabetes or heart conditions. She recommended regular lipid profile tests and dietary changes, such as replacing bread with millets, to maintain health.

Dietitians Dr. Sangeeta and Dr. Poorva advised on dietary adjustments for maintaining good health, such as using less oil, increasing fiber intake, and replacing bread with millets to reduce body fat.

Dr. Salman Khan discussed the symptoms of sudden heart strokes and attacks in young individuals and provided preventive measures. Prof. Dr. Sanjay Tiwari, while presiding over the program, expressed gratitude to the team of doctors and emphasized the importance of regular health check-ups to avoid new health problems.

Dr. Sushil Manderia praised the efforts of Indian doctors during the COVID-19 pandemic, highlighting that India’s lower mortality rate compared to other countries was due to the dedicated efforts of experienced doctors.

The event was moderated by Dr. Sadhana Singh Bisen, Senior Advisor at the university, and concluded with a vote of thanks by Dr. Sushil. The program was attended by all university officials, teachers, and staff members.