CNN Central News & Network–ITDC India Epress/ITDC News Bhopal: In a meeting organized at Manas Bhavan regarding the membership drive under the Organization Festival, South-West Assembly MLA Bhagwandas Sabnani addressed the gathering. Director Sabnani said that we not only make people members of the party but also connect with them through shared ideologies.

The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is the only party that strengthens the nation as it grows stronger. Every worker should reach out to as many people as possible during the Organization Festival, explain the party’s policies, talk about the government’s achievements, and make them members, connecting them with the party. Through the membership drive, we reach people’s doorsteps and inform them about the government’s achievements.

Hence, every worker must enthusiastically participate in the membership drive and make the campaign a success. We have to surpass the target set for Madhya Pradesh. The organization has set a goal for everyone to recruit members, and it is mandatory for each worker to enlist 100 members to become an active member. Similarly, a target has been set for all officials.

We must enroll as many members as possible in the South-West Assembly, connect people with our ideas, and make them aware of the party’s policies. The meeting was attended by the four Mandal Presidents, councilors, booth presidents, Shakti Kendra heads, ward coordinators, and key workers of the South-West Assembly.