CNN Central News & Network–ITDC India Epress/ITDC News Bhopal: The Hindi Fortnight celebrations were inaugurated with the lighting of a ceremonial lamp at the Silver Jubilee Auditorium of the ICAR-Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Bhopal, under the chairmanship of the institute’s Director, C.R. Mehta, in the context of Hindi Day and Hindi Fortnight.

On this occasion, a Hindi Rangoli competition and a Hindi quiz competition were organized for the employees of the institute. In his presidential address, Director Mehta extended his best wishes for the Hindi Fortnight celebrations, which will be held from September 14 to 28, and appreciated the significant progress made in the use of Hindi in the institute’s official work. He called upon all officers and employees to continue their meaningful efforts to achieve the goals set for the implementation of Hindi under the Government of India’s annual official language program.

The Chairperson of the Fortnight Organizing Committee, Neeta Khandekar, in charge of CESPU, presented a brief report on the activities and competitions to be organized during Hindi Fortnight. Chief Administrative Officer Abhishek Yadav also shared his thoughts.

Members of the Hindi Fortnight Organizing Committee, Harsha Wakudkar, Bikram Jyoti, and Deepika Shende, successfully conducted the Rangoli competition. The program was hosted by Deputy Director (Official Language) Rakesh Kumar Kushwaha, and a vote of thanks was presented by Assistant Chief Technical Officer Rajesh Tiwari. The event was attended by all divisional heads, project coordinators, officers in charge, scientists, administrative staff, and students of the institute.