CNN Central News & Network–ITDC India Epress/ITDC News Bhopal: Executive Professor Ajay Singh inaugurated a dedicated helper desk “Aasthaap” for patients suffering from rare diseases in the Neonatology and Pediatric OPD at AIIMS. On this occasion, Prof. Singh said, “The inauguration of the Rare Disease Support Center at AIIMS is a significant achievement for us. This center is a ray of hope for those battling rare diseases. This initiative will not only facilitate medical treatment for patients but also provide them with necessary support and information. I thank Pfizer and Doctors For You for this collaboration. AIIMS has always been committed to serving patients, and this center further strengthens our resolve.”

This initiative was organized under Pfizer’s CSR initiative and implemented by Doctors For You. During the program, the challenges faced by patients in treating rare diseases and the solutions provided through this center were highlighted. Representatives from Pfizer and Doctors For You emphasized the importance of this initiative by their organizations. AIIMS Bhopal officials also discussed the improved healthcare services that patients would receive through this center.

The helpdesk team will assist patients with navigating the hospital for necessary services, guide them in completing paperwork formalities, and help those coming from remote areas find travel and accommodation facilities as needed. The objective of this helpdesk is to bridge the gap between patients and caregivers and help eligible patients receive financial assistance for the treatment of rare diseases as approved under the National Rare Disease Policy. The institute received a grant of Rs. 3 crore from the Ministry of Family Welfare, Government of India, and is in the process of procuring essential medicines approved under NPRD 2021.