CNN Central News & Network–ITDC India Epress/ITDC News Bhopal: A special lecture on the topic “Science, Society, and Culture: A Holistic Approach for a Developed India” was organized at NITTTR Bhopal, where the keynote speaker was Ranjana Agarwal, Director of CSIR-NIScPR. Dr. Ranjana Agarwal stated that the tradition of science has existed in India since ancient times. The evidence unearthed from the excavations of Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro proves that those people had an understanding of science.

One of the greatest achievements of science in ancient India is the discovery of surgery by Maharishi Sushruta, who is regarded as the ‘Father of Surgery’ by the world today. Nagarjuna gave birth to chemistry. The development of humanity and science goes hand in hand. A holistic approach toward science, society, and culture is crucial for envisioning a developed India.

Science is a part of our society and culture. Through science, humans have simplified even the most difficult tasks. Today, the progress of a country is determined by its advancements in science and technology. The more a country progresses in the field of science, the stronger its economy will be. One cannot even imagine a society or a nation without science. At the end of the event, NITTTR Director Professor C.C. Tripathi honored and thanked Ranjana Agarwal for delivering the special lecture on this important subject.

The lecture was attended by Dinesh Agarwal, Vice Chancellor of Gurugram University, Gurugram, and S.S. Panda, former Director of NITTTR Chennai, along with the faculty, officers, and staff of the institute.