CNN Central News & Network–ITDC India Epress/ITDC News Bhopal: The Incubation Center of Madhya Pradesh Bhoj Open University organized a program focused on innovation and startups. The theme of the program was “My Story – Motivational Session by Successful Innovators.” To inspire the students present, Mrs. Alka Sharma, founder of Khadyot Natural Private Limited, was the chief speaker, and Dr. Pradeep Tripathi, Secretary General of the Indian Red Cross Society, Madhya Pradesh, was the chief guest. The program was chaired by Sanjay Tiwari, Vice-Chancellor of Madhya Pradesh Bhoj Open University, and Sushil Manderia, Registrar of the university, served as the program coordinator.

On this occasion, the convener of the Institutional Innovation Cell of Madhya Pradesh Bhoj Open University, Shailendra Singh, introduced the government’s Institutional Innovation Council, familiarizing the students with its objectives and working methods.

Chief speaker Alka Sharma said that her company is engaged in organic and natural farming. She highlighted the difficulties faced by women in becoming entrepreneurs and mentioned that to learn organic farming, they toured many villages in India and even went to Africa, America, and Australia to live and learn organic farming. They invested 1.5 million rupees to establish the company, which has now grown to over 1 billion rupees.

She advised students that the life of an entrepreneur is tough. To succeed in any business, good networking is essential. We should value our time and start our enterprises rather than relying heavily on government support. She emphasized that we should invest our skills in areas where they can yield returns. Mrs. Alka mentioned that learning digital marketing and performance management is essential for every entrepreneur. The biggest challenge for an entrepreneur is finding good human resources, and an even bigger challenge is keeping them engaged and retained. She advised students to maintain patience always. At the end of her speech, Alka Sharma addressed the students’ curiosities and answered their questions appropriately.