CNN Central News & Network–ITDC India Epress/ITDC News Bhopal: “Under the ‘India Fights HIV, STI Intensive Awareness Campaign,’ the Health Department of Bhopal District is conducting various awareness activities at health institutions, educational institutions, and the social level. The campaign, which will run until October 12, aims to increase awareness of HIV/AIDS, particularly among the 15 to 49 age group, so that they can be more conscious of their protection. Additionally, it aims to encourage people to take advantage of the testing and treatment services available under the National AIDS Control Program.

In the awareness programs, special counseling sessions for the youth are being held to provide information on the causes of HIV and methods of prevention. Awareness is also being raised about the free and confidential advice available through the toll-free number 1097.

Chief Medical and Health Officer of Bhopal, Prabhakar Tiwari, mentioned that the campaign is addressing the misconceptions surrounding HIV-infected and affected individuals and the disease itself. Information about the HIV/AIDS Act of 2017 is being provided to create a non-discriminatory environment. Integrated health camps are being organized for identified communities in areas with high HIV positivity or related risk behaviors. These camps offer screenings for TB, Hepatitis, STIs, RTIs, and HIV/AIDS, among other health checks.”