CNN Central News & Network–ITDC India Epress/ITDC News Bhopal: State Congress President Jeetu Patwari to Hoist Flag on Independence Day

State Congress President Jeetu Patwari will hoist the flag at the State Congress Headquarters, Indira Bhavan, on the auspicious occasion of Independence Day, August 15th.

State Congress Vice President Rajiv Singh informed that Mr. Patwari will hoist the flag at the State Congress Headquarters at 8:45 AM on August 15th. Following the flag hoisting, he will deliver a message to the people of the state.

On this occasion, State Congress Seva Dal President Yogesh Yadav, along with Seva Dal members, will lead Mr. Patwari. The event will include the national anthem and national song. Senior Congress leaders and a large number of party workers will be present at the State Congress office to celebrate Independence Day.