CNN Central News & Network–ITDC India Epress/ITDC News Bhopal: “There is a heatwave throughout the city. In such conditions, avoid going out in the sun between 12 noon and 4 pm. If you must go out for any necessary work, keep your head covered. Consume fluids before going out in the sun. Do not let your body become dehydrated and always keep a water bottle with you. Always keep electrolytes (sugar and salt mixed in water) at home and consume it if you feel dehydrated. Wear cotton, loose, and comfortable clothes. Avoid wearing synthetic and dark-colored clothes. This information was provided to patients visiting health centers 1-4 of Bhopal Memorial Hospital and Research Centre (BMHRC) to prevent heatstroke and heat-related illnesses. Additionally, ORS packets were distributed to the patients.

BMHRC’s acting director, Manisha Srivastava, stated that the entire city of Bhopal is experiencing severe heat. The period of ‘Nautapa’ has also begun. The number of patients suffering from stomach aches, vomiting, loose motions, and sunburn due to heat is increasing. To raise awareness, a heatwave awareness campaign is being conducted at all health centers. The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare is also continuously raising awareness about preventing heatwaves. The ministry has issued guidelines in this regard. People are being informed about measures to prevent heatstroke, and ORS packets are being distributed. Around 700 ORS packets were distributed to patients in one day. Next week, awareness programs will be organized at all other health centers to protect people from heatstroke.

Other measures to prevent heatstroke:

Always carry water with you. Do not let your body become dehydrated.

Keep animals in the shade and provide them with enough drinking water.

Stay refreshed by consuming water, buttermilk, ORS solution, or homemade drinks such as lassi, lemon water, mango panna, etc.

Maintain cleanliness in food, water, and shade.

Names and locations of BMHRC health centers:

Health Center Number | Location

  1. Kanchi Chhola
  2. Station Bajaria
  3. Chandbad
  4. Teela Jamalpura
  5. Ginnori
  6. Central Library
  7. Karond
  8. Bal Vihar, Bhopal Talkies”