CNN Central News & Network–ITDC India Epress/ITDC News Bhopal: Under the Government of India’s 100-day TB Eradication Campaign, Vidisha district in the Bhopal Division has been selected as a high-priority district. As part of this campaign, a special “Nikshay Camp” was organized at Vidisha Station under the guidance of Divisional Railway Manager Debashish Tripathi and led by Chief Medical Superintendent Ajay Dogra, in collaboration with the District Tuberculosis Control Center, Vidisha.

A total of 174 beneficiaries participated in the camp, including 106 railway employees and their family members. Screening for high-risk populations included 139 X-rays and 25 sputum tests.

Awareness Campaign:

Senior Divisional Commercial Manager Saurabh Kataria shared information on TB prevention, early diagnosis, treatment, and nutrition with passengers and the public through the public announcement system. Awareness was further spread using posters, pamphlets, hoardings, and standees.

On behalf of the Railways, Senior Divisional Medical Officer (Health) Shruti Mendhekar actively participated to ensure the camp’s success.

Director Sameer Kirar (DTO, Vidisha) and the medical team from the District Tuberculosis Control Center provided significant support in this event. The Railway Administration reiterates its commitment to health and continues its efforts to contribute to societal welfare through this campaign.

#NikshayCamp #TBEradication #BhopalRail