CNN Central News & Network–ITDC India Epress/ITDC News Bhopal: The first semi-annual meeting of the City Official Language Implementation Committee (NARAKAS) No. 01 for the year 2024 was held at NITTTR Bhopal, attended by the members of the Official Language Implementation Committee. During this meeting, discussions were held on the official language activities conducted in the past six months, and important decisions were made for the progressive use of the official language. In his message sent for this meeting, Prof. C.C. Tripathi, Director of NITTTR Bhopal and Chairman of NARAKAS, stated that working in the official language Hindi is a matter of honor and pride for all of us. This year, on September 14, 2024, we will be celebrating the diamond jubilee, marking 75 years since Hindi was accepted as the official language of the Union.

Prof. R.K. Dixit, Acting Director of NITTTR Bhopal, stated that the official language Hindi is a carrier of life values, culture, and traditions. NITTTR Bhopal is constantly striving towards the promotion and dissemination of the official language Hindi and is effectively fulfilling the responsibility of ensuring its effective implementation. Prof. P.K. Purohit, Dean of NITTTR Bhopal, stated that Hindi is an independent and capable language, and today there is a need to link Hindi more and more with technology. NITTTR Bhopal organizes Hindi workshops/training programs throughout the year, and all of you are requested to ensure maximum participation in them.

The meeting was attended by Colonel Ashish Agrawal, Prashant Patharave, Ashish Potnis, Prof. Savita Dixit, Bharat Bhushan Deshmukh, and approximately 52 heads of offices and official language officers from the NARAKAS member offices in Bhopal. The program was conducted by Secretary Sanjay Tripathi and Shobha Lekhwani.