CNN Central News & Network–ITDC India Epress/ITDC News Bhopal: A special camp for oral cancer screening has been organized, where screening of 1207 people has been conducted using autofluorescence-based devices Velscope and GOCCLES. Among them, early symptoms of oral cancer have been found in 291 individuals. This special camp is being organized for the first time at the District Hospital in Bhopal. The dental wing of the hospital is providing this screening free of cost. Through this screening, oral cancer can be diagnosed in its early stages, which can help prevent deformities and other complications caused by delayed diagnosis. The screening is being conducted daily by dental experts. For more information about this special screening available at the District Hospital, Hospital Manager Premchand Gupta can be contacted at the mobile number – 8319749060.

Chief Medical and Health Officer Bhopal, Prabhakar Tiwari, mentioned that follow-up is being done for those individuals identified with early symptoms of oral cancer in the camp. Three patients have been referred for biopsy. The use of tobacco products such as gutkha, khaini, zarda, bidi, and cigarettes increases the risk of oral cancer significantly among users. Therefore, individuals showing such symptoms should undergo screening regularly.

Under the Non-Communicable Disease Control Program, cancer screening and treatment facilities are provided free of cost. Symptoms of oral cancer may include the presence of white or red patches or sores in the mouth, firmness in the skin of any part of the mouth, difficulty in chewing, swallowing, or speaking, difficulty in opening the mouth, or changes in voice. Oral cancer can affect any part of the mouth, including the gums, tongue, inside of the cheeks, or lips. Currently, in India, about 12 to 13 lakh people die every year due to diseases caused by tobacco. There are various types of cancer risks associated with tobacco. The incidence of oral cancer is highest in India. About 18 to 20 percent of cancer patients in India suffer from oral cancer. Nicotine present in tobacco acts as a poison in the body. Therefore, it is in the interest of citizens to stay away from tobacco and tobacco products themselves and prevent children and adolescents from using them. Any doubts or symptoms should be promptly examined by a healthcare professional.