CNN Central News & Network–ITDC India Epress/ITDC News Bhopal: On the occasion of “World Youth Skills Day,” a program was organized by the Incubation Center at Madhya Pradesh Bhoj Open University. Dr. Rajesh Khambayat, Professor at NITTTR, Bhopal, graced the event as the chief guest. Shreyas Pandey, founder of Riches Lifestyle, Bhopal, participated as the keynote speaker. The program was presided over by Prof. Sanjay Tiwari, Vice-Chancellor of Madhya Pradesh Bhoj Open University. Dr. Sushil Manderia, Registrar of Madhya Pradesh Bhoj Open University, served as the coordinator. The program was specially designed by Dr. Kishore John, Director of the Incubation Center, keeping in mind the “World Youth Skills Day,” to acquaint students of Bhoj University who are pursuing skill development education with new dimensions of business. The event was held in the auditorium of Bhoj University.

In his keynote address, Shreyas Pandey spoke about his company and its development, stating that bamboo towels are much more useful than cotton ones because they possess antibacterial and antifungal properties. He noted that people’s attention is increasingly turning towards bamboo fabric, as various studies have shown that bamboo is superior to cotton. Pandey also shared information about his various products, mentioning that they provide seed paper for free with their products, which customers can plant. He emphasized that their packaging is completely plastic-free. Pandey also answered questions from the audience to their satisfaction.

Dr. Rajesh Khambayat, the chief guest, said that the theme for this year’s World Youth Skills Day is “Peace and Development.” The purpose of this day is to equip our youth with skills. He highlighted that the biggest problem in the world today is economic inequality. In India, about 10% of the population holds 58% of the resources, while 50% of the people have only 15% of the resources. Environmental issues are also a major concern, with 2024 being the hottest year on record. Various types of wars are ongoing worldwide, and there are constant proxy wars between countries. The future of the youth is a significant concern, with young people making up about 42% of the global population, which is expected to rise to 50% by 2030. Many of these youths are affected by conflict zones. Addressing how to prepare them for employment and develop their skills is the biggest challenge today. He pointed out that youth unemployment is three times higher than that of adults, and the jobs available to young people often pay very little. Dr. Khambayat emphasized that youth and skill development are critical agendas for the Indian government. Beyond traditional education programs, we need to create new programs that provide employable skills. The National Education Policy 2020 places a strong emphasis on skill development. We need holistic and multidisciplinary education to prepare our citizens according to the needs of our country and society. Rapid advancements in artificial intelligence and hyper-automation in industries require equipping our youth with these skills. The role of teachers in developing skills in youth is crucial, and educators need to adapt to the needs of modern youth and equip themselves with new skills. Planning for youth should involve their participation and take their perspectives into account.

Prof. Sanjay Tiwari, Vice-Chancellor of Madhya Pradesh Bhoj Open University, who presided over the event, said that if we want to utilize India’s young population, we need to make them skilled. Approximately 83% of youth in India are unemployed, and 50% of them lack employable skills. He also discussed the Sustainable Development Goals for 2030, expressing concern that many literate individuals lack the values of education. Prof. Tiwari stressed that acquiring skills should not be a one-time effort; individuals need to continually upgrade and reskill themselves to stay relevant in changing times. Jobs requiring fewer skills are likely to be replaced by technology, leading to job losses. He encouraged students to work with enthusiasm and find joy in their tasks. The future holds significant developments in artificial intelligence and semiconductors. Prof. Tiwari urged young people to manage their time effectively and stated that achieving excellence will lead to success. He expressed hope that the younger generation would fulfill the dream of a developed India.

Dr. Sushil Manderia, Registrar of the university, expressed his thoughts before giving the vote of thanks, announcing that the university would collaborate with Riches Lifestyle to run skill development programs, benefiting the students. He emphasized the importance of using indigenous products over global brands and focusing on promoting Swadeshi.

The event was moderated by Dr. Nidhi Rawal Gautam, Advisor of Madhya Pradesh Bhoj Open University, and concluded with a vote of thanks by Dr. Sushil Manderia. The program was attended by all teachers, officials, staff members, and students pursuing skill development education at the university.