CNN Central News & Network-ITDC India Epress / ITDC News Bhopal: Ranbir Kapoor, Alia Bhatt, and Neetu Kapoor were seen together at their under-construction bungalow in Mumbai’s Bandra, reportedly set to be named after their one-year-old daughter, Raha Kapoor, making her the youngest and richest star kid in Bollywood. The bungalow, costing over ₹250 crore, surpasses Shah Rukh Khan’s Mannat and Amitabh Bachchan’s Jalsa, with Raha set to become the wealthiest star kid in B-Town. Neetu Kapoor will be the co-owner of the bungalow, continuing a tradition from her late husband Rishi Kapoor, while the family is speculated to move in together once it’s completed.