CNN Central News & Network–ITDC India Epress/ITDC News Bhopal: “A seminar on the topic ‘Healthy Diet for Holistic Health’ was organized at the Memorial Hospital & Research Centre (BMHRC). The program was graced by Dr. Manisha Srivastava, the Acting Director of BMHRC, as the chief guest. Addressing the employees and participants present at the event, Dr. Puneet Gandhi, head of the institute’s Research Department, explained that by making small changes in our lifestyle and cooking patterns, we can lead a healthier life.

Every individual has a daily routine or biological cycle based on their age, needs, environment, etc., known as the circadian rhythm. If this rhythm is disrupted, it can impact a person’s health. She emphasized that many small habits, if adopted in our lives, can prevent various diseases or help manage existing conditions effectively.

For instance, after 2 a.m., our liver goes into a dormant state, so we should neither eat nor sleep during this time. Similarly, if we go outside for a short while after waking up in the morning, it keeps us refreshed throughout the day. She also stressed the need to make changes in our eating habits. For example,

it is commonly believed that once nerves are damaged, it is impossible to repair them, but recent research suggests that consuming foods rich in Omega-3, magnesium, and methylcobalamin can significantly help in repairing nerve damage. By altering our diet, we can also prevent or manage diseases like diabetes, hypertension, and arthritis.

Acting Director Dr. Manisha Srivastava emphasized the importance of discipline in life, stating that living with discipline is essential for good health. She advised prioritizing natural foods in our diet, taking care of our health, and getting any abnormalities in the body checked immediately. During the seminar, Assistant Professor Dr. Ravindra M. Samarth from the Research Department provided information on the nutritional guidelines issued by ICMR for Indians.”