CNN Central News & Network–ITDC India Epress/ITDC News Bhopal: Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla recently urged Opposition MPs to maintain decorum by refraining from wearing T-shirts inside the Parliament. His remark came after several MPs appeared in casual attire during a session, which he deemed “undignified.” The move has sparked discussions over the dress code in the lower house, with some MPs questioning whether such regulations are necessary.
Birla emphasized that the Parliament is a prestigious institution where decorum and traditional attire should be upheld. Opposition leaders, however, argued that there is no official dress code and that clothing choices should not overshadow pressing national issues. Some lawmakers saw the Speaker’s remarks as an attempt to divert attention from key debates, while others acknowledged the importance of maintaining the Parliament’s dignity.
The issue of dress code in legislative assemblies has surfaced multiple times in Indian politics. In the past, politicians have used clothing as a form of protest, with various parties adopting specific attire to make political statements. The latest controversy reflects a broader debate on tradition versus modernity in political settings.
While the Lok Sabha Secretariat has not issued any strict guidelines on attire, the Speaker’s stance underscores the expectation of formal dress within the Parliament. It remains to be seen whether any concrete rules will be introduced regarding MPs’ clothing choices. For now, the debate continues, with both sides holding firm to their views.
#LokSabha #OmBirla #IndianPolitics #ParliamentDressCode #OppositionMPs #TShirtControversy #PoliticalDecorum #ParliamentNews #SpeakerOmBirla