CNN Central News & Network–ITDC India Epress/ITDC News Bhopal: Hypertension kills more adults than any other cause. India alone is home to an estimated 220 million adults with hypertension.

Medanta, one of India’s largest multi-specialty tertiary care providers, took the lead in raising mass awareness about this silent killer during the World Hypertension Day, at its hospital campus in Gurgaon and Lucknow from 27-29 May and 15-16 June 2024 respectively where thousands of healthcare-seekers walk in daily.

The approach for the awareness campaign was engaging and interactive. An attractive educational setup was installed in the central area of the hospital for maximum reach and footfall. The centrepiece of the set-up was a holographic 3D display of a working heart through a Holograph Fan. This immersive visual captivated the audience and provided a realistic depiction of heart function.

The centrepiece was surrounded by four interactive touch screens, each covering a different aspect of hypertension and heart health related information. While the first three screens educated the visitors about Risks, Cause and Effects of High Blood Pressure; the fourth screen was an interactive touch screen for heart screening. The visitors undertook a screening test by answering few lifestyle related questions. On the basis of an individual’s answers the screen evaluated and showed their possible current heart condition.