CNN Central News & Network–ITDC India Epress/ITDC News Bhopal: Recently, the Uttar Pradesh government decided to withdraw the digital attendance system implemented in schools. This decision was made considering various challenges and the concerns of teachers. The government had initially introduced tablets for 2.36 lakh government primary teachers to digitize attendance and administrative tasks. This move could provide relief to UP’s 6.90 lakh teachers from online attendance. Discussions have taken place between the Basic Education Department and the teachers’ union. According to reliable sources, the government may soon revoke its order.

Existing Challenges and Problems

The main objective of implementing the digital attendance system was to monitor teachers’ attendance and streamline administrative tasks. However, technical difficulties, inadequate training, and data privacy issues emerged. Teachers faced technical problems and felt a lack of necessary training and support.

Additionally, schools still haven’t received all the books, and many places lack benches. Yet, the administration is adamant about controlling attendance. If the Yogi administration progresses by taking its nearly 8 lakh teachers into confidence, the outcome might be different. The administration and teachers’ organizations should be on the same platform.

In recent days, teachers in Uttar Pradesh have strongly opposed the digital attendance system. Various teachers’ unions, including the Primary Teachers’ Association, Special BTC Association, and Shikshamitra Instructors Association, opened a front against this system. On Tuesday evening, in Lucknow, with the significant role of the Women Teachers’ Association, the teacher organizations united to form a joint front against digital attendance.

The extent of the opposition is such that there has been zero digital attendance in more than 12 districts. Although the administration has temporarily revoked the decision, it hopes to implement it correctly with good preparation and arrangement.

Recommendations for Smart Schooling

To make smart schooling successful, the following recommendations can be made:

Comprehensive Training Program: Teachers should be given extensive training on the use of digital tools and software. Regular training sessions should be conducted so that teachers can troubleshoot technical problems and fully benefit from the digital system.

Robust Technical Support: There should be a dedicated technical support team in schools that can provide quick solutions to any technical problems. This will boost teachers’ confidence and enable them to use digital tools efficiently.

Data Privacy and Security: Data privacy and security should be prioritized. Strict security measures and policies should be established to ensure the safety of teachers’ and students’ data.

Use of Pilot Projects: Before fully implementing any new system, it should be introduced in a limited number of schools as pilot projects. This will allow facing real challenges and finding solutions before widespread implementation.

Active Participation of Teachers: Teachers’ active participation in the implementation of any new system is essential. Decisions should be made considering their opinions and suggestions, making them more willing to adopt it.

Withdrawing the digital attendance system is an important step, but it is necessary to ensure that efforts towards smart schooling continue. The government should develop a robust and effective digital system considering the above suggestions, benefiting both teachers and students.

Taking the right steps towards smart schooling can modernize and make the education system more effective, improving students’ learning quality and enabling teachers to perform their duties more efficiently. This effort by the government will undoubtedly guide towards a strong and digital education system in the future.